Past and current planting and restoration projects

List of Projects
Proctor Park, Markham - 2020
Planted 150 trees and shrubs
Doreen Quirk Park, Markham - 2020
Planted 500 trees and shrubs
1780 Lawrence Ave, Toronto - 2020
Garbage clean up
Invasive species removal (Alliaria petiolata)
Invasive species treatment (Rhamnus cathartica & Acer negundo)
Planted 500 trees and shrubs
Alex Marchetti Park, Toronto - 2021-present
Woody invasive species treatment
Planted over 1000 trees and shrubs
Management is ongoing
CVC Headwaters Health Centre, Orangeville - 2021
Planted 80 trees and shrubs
Credit Valley Conservation's "Greening Corporate Grounds" program
Rambo Creek, Burlington - 2022
Planted 200 wire basket calliper trees and 1200 shrubs
Duncan Creek Park, Toronto - 2022
Planted 1050 trees and shrubs
City of Toronto Planting Projects, Toronto - 2023
Planted 1760 trees and shrubs across various city parks, including:
Esther Lorie, Neilson Park, Richview Park, Wincott Park, Marie Curtis Park, Ravenscrest, Glen Agar, Smyth Park, North Park, Pine Point Park, The Elms, The Meadoway, Knob Hill, McCowan Park, Cedarbrook, Megan Park, and more